Ex-Stanford Exec Gets Redo In Bid to Ditch 20-Year Sentence

As reported on September 2, 2020 on LAW360, Fifthe Circuit we wtorek dał byłemu dyrektorowi Stanford Financial Group Gilbertowi Lopezowi kolejną szansę na podważenie jego 20-letniego wyroku więzienia za rolę w 7-miliardowym schemacie Ponziego Roberta Allena Stanforda, nakazując sądowi niższej instancji ponowne rozpatrzenie oferty twierdzącej, że adwokaci procesowi Lopeza sprowadzili go na manowce.

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The New York Times – Ex-Blue Bell President Wins Dismissal of U.S. Listeria Outbreak Charges

As reported on JULY 15, 2020 on The New York Times, A federal judge on Wednesday dismissed charges against the former president of Blue Bell Creameries, who U.S. prosecutors said concealed from customers what the company knew about contaminated ice cream linked to a 2015 listeria outbreak.

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Bloomberg – Ex-Blue Bell CEO’s Charges in Fatal Listeria Outbreak Tossed

As reported on JULY 15, 2020 on Bloomberg, A federal judge dismissed felony charges against Blue Bell Creameries’ former chief executive officer over a fatal 2015 outbreak of listeria linked to tainted ice cream.

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