Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tépni a földet
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the

Old Miss Lucy meghalt és elment
Hagyott engem itt sírni és nyögni

Green Sally fel
És Green Sally le
Az utolsó guggolás
Meg kell tépned the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground

Old Miss Lucy meghalt és elment
Left me here to weep and moan

Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tépi a földet
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last egy guggolás
Tépem a földet
Green Sally fel
És Green Sally le
Egy utolsó guggolás
Tépem a földet

Az öreg Miss Lucy meghalt és elment
Itt hagyott engem… sírni és nyögni

Green Sally fel
És Green Sally le
Egy utolsó guggolás
Tépni kell a földet
Green Sally fel
És Green Sally le
Egy utolsó guggolás
Tépni kell a földet ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last one squat
Gotta tear the ground
Green Sally up
And Green Sally down
Last Egy guggolás
Tépem a földet
Green Sally fel
És Green Sally le
Egy utolsó guggolás
Tépem a földet

Old Miss Lucy meghalt és elment
Hagyott itt engem sírni és nyögni.

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